Self editing 4 fiction #4 ~ Point of View

Novel of the Year 2022 – RAQ by T.K. Toppin


From the editor-in-chief:

“I’m hellish difficult to satisfy in the literary sense but every now and then I find a book that resonates vibrantly enough for me to set it aside as a keeper – to be read again at a later date. 

It is my 2022 book of the year (trad-pub and/or indie) because this character-driven Sci-Fi offering is perfect for cross-genre readers, and the ethnic currency so cleverly used by the author creates an authentic insight into alien sensibilities that is…  well…  just captivating…”


Early readers quickly became thoroughly immersed:

“…engaging, realistic, and out of this world!…”

“…I was captured after the first chapter…”

“…one of the great new voices in science fiction writing today…”

“…vivid and exciting…”

“…a philosophical delight wrapped up in compelling sci fi…” 

Don’t miss out!

CLICK HERE to Preview and purchase RAQ


T.K. Toppin writes character-driven tales, full of action and adventure, navigating the realms of Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction and Space Opera, with bits of mystery and suspense, a pinch of romance, and dash of thrills and spills all mixed together. Having previously been contracted by small press publishers, she is currently wading through the waters of indie publishing and discovering its many challenges and delights.

T.K. was born, raised and lives in Barbados. When she’s not writing, she can be found procrastinating or watching streaming networks, and juggling the baffling realm of social media.

Other Books by T.K. Toppin

Jax Marlin – To Catch A Marlin

The Lancaster Trilogy:

The Lancaster Rule

The Master Key

The Eternal Knot

A Collection of Science Fiction & Space Opera Short Stories

Bengaria’s War

Jax Marlin – The Complete Short Story Series



Social Media:


Twitter: @TKToppin

Facebooks: Written By T.K. Toppin

Amazon: T.K. Toppin

For more on T.K., visit her Blogsite

T.K. would love to hear from her readers: